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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

3 More Myths About Working from Home

Check out the first three myths here.

MYTH 4: The house will be sparkling clean now that you're working from home.

The reality is that the dirty dishes you left in the sink at breakfast will most likely be waiting for you come dinnertime. The time really flies once you get in the zone.  Truth be told, you will even wonder if you showered that morning or the night before.  This is were your schedule comes in (see Myth 6)  You must schedule in time to do housework if you can't afford a cleaning service.

MYTH 5: Working from home will be a breeze.
In many ways, telecommuting makes life a lot easier. It eliminates the time (and expense) of a commute. But working from home requires an extensive amount of self-discipline. Unlike working in a traditional office where your boss could check up on you (and keep you in check), you'll need to be highly organized, motivated and focused in order to successfully work from home.

MYTH 6: You'll love the peace and quiet of working independently.
At first, being able to work quickly and quietly without incessant interruptions from chatty colleagues will seem like a dream. But also take into consideration,  the sound of your little ones if you can't/won't have After a few weeks, though, you'll find yourself running to the supermarket just so you can chat up the produce guy or any adult you can find.  While working alone can be peaceful, it can also be isolating and lonely.  So consider how you will combat this.

Comment below with any other myths I may have forgotten.

Until next time, I wish you peace, patience and prosperity.

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