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Friday, May 30, 2014

Free Toolbox Review Part 1

Peter Wolfing has done it again.  For those of you who don't know Peter Wolfing, he is responsible for creating businesses to help moms and entrepreneurs create multiple streams of income online for the past 20 years..  Free Toolbox is no different. 

This business can be a companion to any business you currently have or can be your very first business.  Free Toolbox provides 101 ways to market your business and generate leads.  So you can get into the business and learn how to grow this very same business and me successful. It is designed to allow users to see results quickly.

And the start-up fee is ridiculously low-- only $48.75.  Most home-based businesses today cost at least $100 ($99.95) to start.   Even if you cannot afford $48.75, you have the opportunity to start for as low as $1.25 and work your way up the five levels of training to get to $48.75.  Starting at the lower level only limits the amount of training you have access to which can affect your income so start where you are most financially comfortable.  I am personally helping moms get the first three training levels currently priced at $11.75 for $5 if they contact me via Facebook here.

How You Earn

There are 5 trainings levels called business centers each with a different cost:
Level 1: $1.25
Level 2: $2.50 + $1 one-time admin fee
Level 3: $5 + $2 one-time admin fee
Level 4: $10 + $3 one-time admin fee
Level 4: $20 + $4 one-time admin fee

You are paid every time you acquire six customers and/or business partners on a level. 
Free Toolbox Compensation Structure

The payout is as follows:
Level 1: $5 - $1.25 renewal fee
Level 2: $10 - $2.50 renewal fee
Level 3: $20 - $5 renewal fee
Level 4: $40 - $10 renewal fee
Level 4: $80 - $20 renewal fee

So if you have six customers and/or business partners purchase all 5 levels of training, then you earn $116.25.

Watch this video on compensation.

Stay tuned for my next post about how to grow this business.  If you're interested in getting started right now with this great program, you can join here.  You can also comment below if you have any questions before getting started.  Until then, I wish you peace, patience and prosperity.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mommies Who Want More

In my last post, I told you guys that I had decided to dedicate my summer to helping other moms.  Since that post, I went into overdrive in creating a 90-day system for moms who want to own a business.  Now that I think about it, I wouldn't call it a system at all.  It's a boot camp; it's an all-out plan of attack on their finances to get them making  six figures a year by the end of summer.  I call this system/boot camp Mommies Who Want More. 

I am only working with women who are ready to wage war on their finances no matter what it takes.  I am in the process of selecting the seven women who I will be working with closely this summer.  Though I would love to work with every mother, I am a mother too and only have so much time to allocate in a day.  So seven is my max.  I am being very selective.  These moms have to be ready to take action.  I'm not looking for women whose decision to start the system/bootcamp is dependent on what the system is or what the business is.  Questions like those let me know that they're not in the right mindset to really do whatever it takes to succeed because let's be honest, if you are serious about being successful, you will do whatever it takes to make it succeed- no matter what the business is.  You don't have to love make up or coffee or weight-loss supplements to be successful. 

You just have to have the vision and the fire to be successful to market your business.  I know a young lady who loves makeup and signed up for a new make-up marketing company but hasn't succeeded with the business.  She doesn't have the vision or fire.  That's not who I am looking for.  I am looking for moms who have a fire in their bellies for something greater for their families than they have now.  That's it.  Everything else can be taught.  Passion can't.

I am super excited to get this going in June.  I will definitely keep you posted.

Until my next post, I wish all my moms, peace, patience and prosperity.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How I'm Helping Moms This Summer

If I could change one thing in this world, it would be?

Financial education or the lack thereof.

Think about it.  How much formal financial education did you gotten as a child or as an adult?  Many of us received none or very little in school and learned about finances via experience or antiquated thinking.  Most Americans know very little about two things:
  • making money
  • managing money (budgets)
  • saving money
For this reason, I am making it my goal to work with moms with summer and educate them on how to be successful in all if these areas.

Why moms?
Moms are usually the backbones to the family.  They are usually the ones who are the CEOs, CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and COOs (Chief Operations Officer) of the family.  They are the ones who make it their number one priority to make sure that their family runs smoothly.  But they struggle with how to do that because they don't understand money.

Struggle #1 Making Money
Many moms have bought into the idea of having a job to make money.  Trading time for money is terrible thinking- especially for moms.  This notion causes them to work overtime or get additional jobs just to make more money, which, in turn, causes them to lose more and more time with their family.  I want to help moms learn how to make money without being a slave to a job.  I want to teach them that they can have a job but not  NEED a job.  And if they desire to quit their jobs completely, I want to show them how to do that too.

Struggle #2 Managing Money
Even moms who seemingly have enough income to live comfortably are struggling.  Why? They can't seem to get out of debt or they overspend.  Failure to have  a budget and/or follow it only leads to debt, overdraft fess and payday loans.  I will show moms how to allocate money for debt and manage household expenses.

Struggle #3 Saving Money
One thing that stay-at-home moms don't think about is what they would do if they husbands lost their jobs.  They haven't set up savings and/or investments to cover lost income.  Sometimes if they have thought about it, they simply can't save for such an event because of Struggle #2.  Let's work on planning so that if such a thing happens, you will be prepared.

If you're a mom who needs help, connect with me on Facebook and send me a message. 
Until next time, I wish you peace, patience and prosperity.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day; My Gift to You

Happy Mother's Day to all my moms out there.  This weekend, I have a little contest for my aspiring work-from-home moms.

Check out the video and contact me.